• 1. purpose

    name your issue. find the formula that matches your purpose. you'll need a bath and an oil. feel free to mix & match formulas for best effect, just read the descriptions and grab two that work for you.
  • 2. bath

    the ritual bath is performed standing up in your shower after regular bathing. the herbs are multi-purpose, they are brewed for bathing and spacial cleansing, burned for incense, etc. no you can not drink or smoke the herbs.
  • 3. oil

    find an oil. they can be used for nearly anything - dressing candles, anointing talismans, feeding fetishes, etc. they're skin safe (unless marked otherwise).
  • 4. candle

    grab a candle. carve it, dress it in oil, herbs, etc. and burn it during your divination, ritual, spell, etc.
  • 5. timing

    pick a timeframe. one time spells offer one time solutions while effective magik is most often cumulative in nature. a simple rule of thumb: 3 days (light) 7 days (moderate) 13 days (severe).
  • handcrafted from organic, ethically sourced ingredients. formulas are proprietary but if you have an allergy concern please feel free to reach out.
    all purchases include written, step by step instructions.